Grand entrance in to the world in a Post-War "Prefab" house just like this.
The old school, Mrs Scott, Mrs Beveridge, then Mr Eccles.
Summer or Wimter
Choir and Altar Boy
Very sound if at times strict education.
Cousin Neil McEvoy and I return to the Duke's School Main Hall 50 years later.
Dominion Road house hidden by circle but Manor Gardens can be seen.
Adequate education while first stirrings of non-conformist beliefs.
Four years at the then Kingston Polytechnic followed by 18 months at Surrey County Council.
Six months "experience" to go with studies at Kingston - part of my 4 year. sandwich course.
Extended summmer holiday job - "Work Study" and my first taste of "human resources". Studied delivering beer to 10 Downing St, Houses of Parliament, etc..... and Epsom Mental Hospital.
Second period of industrial training for my degree course. Worked with famous creameries and cheese-makers - Wensleydale, Cheddar etc
Actually my office was across Penrhyn Road in Grove Crescent, opposite and with a good view of the Kingston Student Union Bar!
Carried our reviews of local government services. Almost met the Queen in 1977. She slipped past me! With a mate we first manned the Emergency Unit during the 1976 Heavy Snows.
Personnel/Human Resources - stories in blogs. I stayed at this pub till my house was ready. Surprised all when my feet got too itchy.
Personnel Consultant at the brand new hospital - set up struture, policies and services. Met local Prince to solve serious cultural clase between Danish staff and locals.
My first encounter - and never the last - in "Foreign Aid". please see blog "No good crying over spilled milk".
Voluntary Service Overseas volunteer on UK Aid project. Very lucky posting in charge of community development project. See blogs.
My VSO project was based originally on the two large islands Likoma and Chizumulu where I spent much time over two years.
HelpAge International: new development programme and a major emergency relief project.
Definitely the most memorable Christmas in my life.
After two years in Phnom Penh I bought what was then a rural house in poorish Takhmau that also became the main home of PM Hun Sen near us. It's no longer poor.
Project with disabled people - special section devoted in this website.
Vietnam and Laos consultancy projects - here with School for Blind Children, Ho Chi Minh City.
My booklet about the story of Ockenden and refugees in Thailand and Cambodia.
Second part of my booklet including handover to new local NGO from Ockenden International.
Working with Ockenden - please see my booklet.
Intermships and volunteer placements can be very successful, when organised correctly. How else could rural businesses in Cambodia obtain high-level consultancy reviews?
Special permission wedding from the spirits
First work with indigenous people in 1998 but fulltime work with Nomad RSI 2010 leading to localisation as MIPAD. Special section of this website.
Having attained the great age of 65, time to enter active retirement, so 3 months in Alnwick and 3 in Cambodia.
Favourites Haunts
Best pub - the Old Ship - and nice view of the Farne Islands through its window.
Walk along the River Coquet to the Hermitage and up to the Castle, with three good pubs. What more could you want?
Favourite Haunts
More images from my Google Drive - this set contains many of the girls who serve my beer - and sometimes help drink it!
Go to my Google Drive for more images.