By far and away my most popluar blog with 50,000 viewings so far.
Small ethnic minority in Cambodia but one of many around the world in plight.
Taken from my Cambodia blog - tourists should see beyond tone dominant feature to get the ebst from their travels and visits.
Harry Ritchiie'sshrewd if acerbic observations of Britain;s lsat few colonies/
One of the worst developments in Cambodia in the last 20 years was proliferation of dubious orphanages to make money from tourists and volunteers.
Building of dams; unchecked sand-pumping, pollution,destroying natural river-banks and darinage channels are taking a terribbel toll on the mighty Mekong.
The "White Saviour Mentality" afflicts Foreign Aid and is deeply embedded including with rich philanthro[ists.
One of my largest Twitter campaigns read around the world.
Foreign Aid work should have built-in obsolescence. It often doesn't.
Saddest feature of human rights work is sometimes our brave friends pay the utltinate price.